Green Hydrogen is the Clean Energy Solution the Steel Industry Needs

The steel industry offers one of the biggest potential opportunities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Globally, the steel industry is responsible for 8% of carbon emissions. This is due to the vast amount of coal required to heat steel furnaces. Currently, 75% of steel is produced using coal-fired furnaces. One method for reducing the environmental […]

Ports of LA and Long Beach Explore Hydrogen Fuel Opportunities

The ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles have joined California’s bid to become one of four federally-funded hydrogen hubs in the United States. If California is awarded the grant, the ports would receive over $500 million in funding to implement hydrogen fuel technology into their operations. Funding for the federal grants is allocated through […]

Southeast US Senators and Energy Leaders Promote Hydrogen Industry Growth

At OneH2, we’re thrilled to see the continued development of hydrogen-based technologies in the United States– particularly when these developments are located near our home base in North Carolina. The recent push to establish a regional hydrogen hub project by US senators in the Southeast is a significant step towards promoting the growth of the […]

Is Hydrogen Fuel Truly Zero Emissions?

Hydrogen fuel is rapidly gaining popularity in the energy industry as a clean alternative to gas and electricity. It is considered a zero-emissions fuel and cleaner than internal combustion engines that run on propane, gas, and diesel. However, there is still confusion surrounding how it works and how clean it really is.  Defining the attributes […]

The Future of Flight: How Hydrogen-Powered Airplanes Could Revolutionize the Aviation Industry

The Future of Flight: How Hydrogen-Powered Airplanes Could Revolutionize the Aviation Industry The aviation industry is taking steps to reduce its carbon footprint and combat climate change. One promising solution is hydrogen-powered flight, with both start-ups and industry giants exploring the possibilities. Companies like ZeroAvia, Cranfield Aerospace Solutions, and GKN Aerospace are developing technology to […]

A Look into BMW’s Hydrogen Fuel Future with the Neue Klasse Platform

As BMW prepares to launch its new Neue Klasse platform, the company is focusing on the development of a new series of small, parallel hydrogen tanks within the platform’s floor. This technology will enable the company to create cars that are powered by electricity, internal combustion engines, or hydrogen. Jurgen Guldner, BMW’s general program manager […]

Advancing a Clean Energy Future with Hydrogen Communities in Alberta

The recent announcement by the Alberta Hydrogen Centre of Excellence (HCOE) regarding its first funding competition is a testament to the growing interest and investment in hydrogen-focused technologies. The $20 million being awarded to 18 successful projects will play a crucial role in building a sustainable and self-sufficient clean hydrogen economy in Alberta. One of […]

Revolutionizing E-Bikes: The Potential of Hydrogen-Powered Models

Hydrogen-powered electric bikes are gaining popularity as a substitute for lithium-ion battery-powered e-bikes, largely due to their extended range and eco-friendliness. While lithium-ion batteries may pose a risk if not managed correctly, hydrogen fuel cells emit only water and are considered to be safer. In this article, we will delve into the latest advancements in hydrogen-powered electric […]

Decarbonizing the Trucking Industry: DOE Funds Essential Freight Corridor Projects

Recently, the U.S. Department of Energy made an exciting announcement for the hydrogen fuel industry. On February 15, the DOE announced plans to fund projects aimed at accelerating the adoption of electric and fuel cell-powered medium- and heavy-duty trucks This announcement is a significant step towards achieving a cleaner transportation sector in the United States. […]

Texas Paves the Way for a Regional Hydrogen Hub

Texas is well known for being a leader in oil and natural gas, but according to a report by Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, the state has the potential to lead the way in hydrogen fuel as well. This would be a natural fit due to the existing geology and infrastructure in Texas, […]