As more organizations transition to hydrogen fuel for their operations, standardized safety procedures and regulations are key to ensuring operational success and employee safety. Both government and non-government regulatory bodies have developed best-practices for the safe generation, handling, and utilization of hydrogen.
As with all fuels, safety procedures for hydrogen are centered on preventing the three main factors for combustion- ignition source, oxidant, and fuel- from combining. Due to the long history of hydrogen fuel generation and use, many best-practices and industry standards currently exist. However, due to increased interest in hydrogen fuel solutions, the Department of Energy is currently working with industry experts and code development organizations to create comprehensive and unified safety standards for hydrogen fuel.

Below is a summary of current widely-accepted hydrogen safety standards:
OSHA: Established best practices for personnel safety based on standard hazardous material handling procedures.
Hydrogen Tools: Comprehensive database of global hydrogen safety standards and practices.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory: List of standards development organizations for hydrogen fuel cell systems.

OneH2 closely follows all hydrogen fuel safety standards. Our practices include proper storage, safe transport, leak detection, proper fueling procedures, training and education, and regular maintenance. When compared to conventional fuels such as gasoline, hydrogen is a safer and more sustainable alternative.